This article is one of two in this series. To visit part two click on this link A common question that pops up regularly in support, the forum or...
Author: Peter Webb
A pioneer of Betfair trading - I opened my Betfair account on 18th June 2000 and the rest as they say is history.
I've now devoted the majority of my working life to pursuing excellence in Betfair trading / sports markets, which I am looking forward to passing on to future generations of traders.
I approach the markets from a number of angles using quantitative and qualitative approaches, but I also throw in some psychology to maximise any opportunities.
For me, doing is far more important than talking, so I still work hard every week to push the boundaries of what is possible in these markets.
We receive a lot of requests on how to create rules using our Betfair Automation feature. So let’s talk through a step-by-step process of creating your first betting bot!...
Automating your Betfair trading When I first started trading on Betfair I was generally a manual trader, but I was keen to create a much more flexible trading platform...
If you are in Australia and are not familiar with my background. I opened my Betfair account shortly after they opened for business way back in June 2000. My...
If you are using Bet Angel V1.51.1 or above, there is the option to quickly import and export individual saved settings and layout profiles. You have always been able...
Introduction: Hello there, fellow adventurers! Today, I want to share with you my personal experiences and insights on the importance of taking risks in life and trading. Strap on...
What is the most common cause of losses? When people stumble into Betfair trading it all looks pretty easy. After all, a quick Google will lead you to countless...
When you’re Betfair trading or trading in any market for that matter. The number-one thing that you must have right in order to be able to trade profitably is...
So, let me take you back two decades ago… I was still in a ‘normal’ job working in a 9 to 5, but I had this dream of sports...
For part one click here The offices behind the scenes of the high street shops The department was massive, large TV screens covered the walls, there were rows of...