Newmarket Guineas
Two contrasting years for me recently in theĀ Guineas, for the full story click here for the previous blog posts on Guineas day.
In summary, last year races was tricky to trade and the year prior was a dream. I’d forecast that this years race is somewhere inbetween the two, so I am hoping for a result somewhere inbetween as well. The weather has improved so that should make the market just that little bit more stable.
Reading last years notes the volumes were poor at Newmarket. I’ve had a good study of the card today and as long as Uttoexeter goes off on time then Newmarket should be OK so I am reasonably optimistic of a good day today. Most things, including the FA Cup final are lined up quite nicely.
After a bumpy week, I’m looking forward to getting stuck into some decent action today.

Who could forget last years race?
Category: Horse Racing