Very odd

20/03/2010 | By More

Not often I talk about Italian football but this one can’t go by without comment.

Chievo vs. Catania

Cheivo are 3.15 to win this match, nothing unusual there. But the really unusual thing this that the draw is priced at odds on. You don’t see that very often, in fact, you never see it. Draw’s occur fairly randomly and the odds for the draw is one of the easiest things to predict. I’ve never seen fit to predict a draw at odds on, as there is virtually no scenario where you think that it could possibly be value to back at this price. Neither could you say that backing 1-1 as the correct score is value at 2.5, yet both the draw and 1-1 are coming in for spectacular support in this match. Make your own mind up as to what is happening here. Let’s just say that the pricing of this match is highly unusual.

100321 - Chievo vs Catania - CS 1-1 b edit


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I left a good job in the consumer technology industry to go a trade on Betfair for a living way back in June 2000. I've been here ever since pushing very boundaries of what's possible on betting exchanges and loved every minute of it.

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