1.05 about to be turned over?

19/06/2010 | By More

Should England pack up and come home? Traded at 1.05 to qualify last night must have those backers quivering. After failing to beat Algeria, which most teams in the English football league could surely achieve, has there ever been a more defining moment in English national football?

For many, many years we have had loads of great individuals but seemingly no team. Last night showed this up in clear light again and surely the time has come to stop picking individuals and go for a real footballing team. Everybody knows Gerrard and Lampard can’t play together. The Man Utd team is geared around supplying Rooney with chances, England is not. Last night was just a completely inept performance on a scale I have not seen before. At least Gerrard could see that and hung his head while admitting it wasn’t good enough, the less said about Rooney the better. With little to lose why not go radical and put Defoe and Crouch upfront, drop Rooney, Lampard and inject some real energy into the game. If we put out another lame performance, then I think we should scrap the whole thing and start again, we just can’t go on like this.

Over-reaction, maybe, but I did wait till this morning to write this and I think lots of people feel the same.

100619 - Rooney

Some people paid a lot of money to watch that Wayne.


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I left a good job in the consumer technology industry to go a trade on Betfair for a living way back in June 2000. I've been here ever since pushing very boundaries of what's possible on betting exchanges and loved every minute of it.

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