Glorious Goodwood?

27/07/2010 | By More

Goodwood starts today and I must say that in previous years I’ve often struggled to make this a glorious week. Goodwood does not seem a lucky course for me. Last year I had to work hard to try and get things right and it took me most of the week to get it and by then it was too late. This year I am better prepared so hope to do better.

We also have the Galway summer festival this week. That should add some interesting elements to the card and that combined with Goodwood should make for an above average situation this week.

Goodwood is one of my favourite courses. If you get the chance to go there, please do so. The surrounding countryside makes for a unique racing experiance. Chichester is a very pleasant town and there are some nice villages on the coast. Bosham is a fun place to go and visit. But don’t park near the shore, the tide rushes in very quickly and gets very high. Many a time I have seen a sumerged car there. Worth a visit!

The car park in Bosham

The car park in Bosham


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I left a good job in the consumer technology industry to go a trade on Betfair for a living way back in June 2000. I've been here ever since pushing very boundaries of what's possible on betting exchanges and loved every minute of it.

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