You wouldn’t think such a widely accepted charity symbol could possibly be a controversial figure, but I am sure that FIFA are determined to make it so. You would think a largely political organisation would be able to successfully brush aside any possible controversy about remembering the sacrifice people make during wars in a calm and reasoned manner before anything controversial came of it. But FIFA appear to have fowled up again on this one.
You can see the logic of stopping national teams making statements on their shirt, but I’m not sure this is the case on this occasion. If I were the FA I would stop the arguing and give every supporter in the stadium a poppy before the match starts, send a Lancaster over the pitch with a belly full of poppies and put one prominently in the background at the start of the match. Something to show FIFA why they need to rethink future similar decisions.
My eldest daughter is just discovering, through her history lessons, at high school just what happened during the war and the incredible waste of life that took place. Nobody should ever forget that.
Category: Football trading strategies