Lay the draw – automatically
Last week we backed the draw using the new automation feature in Bet Angel, this week we lay it.
Whether you use the new feature to implement something or test an idea, it’s a powerful tool to do either. Based on immediate feedback we have expanded the number of conditions you can apply to your automation which expand your capability further. Bear in mind that using the practice mode you can play around without risking any money and by using the P&L export function in the automation, you can export your results to a file long after the market has closed. This will allow you to see how you did on the day when you return to your desk.
We plan to introduce even more elements to the automation, so please keep your version up to date with the very latest beta. Next release is on Monday.
Here is a video explaining how we laid the draw and greened out after a goal, using automation. I’ll export and post the automation file that did this on the forum.

Be careful laying the draw in certain Italian matches!
Category: Football trading strategies, Using Bet Angel