Cheltenham – So nearly a record
Big day today, the iPad three is launched! – LOL – You also have the Cheltenham Gold Cup.
Yesterday went much better than I thought. I scoured my notebook from days one and two to give myself the best chance of pulling something out of the hat and did. The markets are very similar to last year in that respect.
I was a bit more aggressive and confident yesterday and that helped a lot. I was also able to read the markets much clearer and had a good feel for general activity. It also helps that as the week progresses it gets bigger with ‘the big one’ arriving at 15:20 this afternoon. My biggest race of the day ended up as my second biggest ever result at Cheltenham and just a fiver short of my all time record which was very pleasing. If I had known I may have pushed a bit harder, but when you are in the zone you are transfixed on the screen and not really focusing on the numbers. When the race finished I was ‘a whooping and a hollering’ around the office! Judging from previous posts you should have an idea of what a record race would look like. They are rare and should be treasured!
The main race of the day brought out probably the best trading opportunity, but I’m not ashamed to say I didn’t really do a great job on it. I can only participate later on in these markets where the really big money is and you can see from the graph it was at this point the trend halted and became more difficult to trade. C’est la vie. I still managed to pick up £180 on it.
Overall it was a good day all round and clean sweeps on Betfair and Betdaq added up to a handy total. I also had another account running with an automated strategy that performed well. You couldn’t really ask for a better day. However, that’s what I’m going to try and get today if I can. It’s a bit of an ask, but the markets are set up well for a good day.
I hope Cheltenham is working for you. I realise it’s not everybody’s cup of tea but you should learn from even if you don’t enjoy it and can’t make it work. Good luck today.

Big Bucks - Big Drift
Category: Horse Racing