Di Matteo probably shouldn’t get the job

20/05/2012 | By More

Congratulations to Chelsea on a remarkable champions league campaign. The campaign showed up the wonderful variability that is a football. Di Matteo and Chelsea must be on top of the world this morning, but if Chelsea are to build on this they need to start thinking about a new path for the future.

I see the win last night as the culmination of a very long campaign for Chelsea, but increased competition in the premiership means it’s time to build for a different future IMHO. If Chelsea are to compete for top honours they need to mark this as a key moment, but reach out and start again. If Chelsea are to do that then they need to think with their heads, not their hearts. That will mean letting players go and probably appointing a new manager with a long term record of building up succesful teams over a number of years.

Chelsea’s league form has not been great, but their cup / knockout form has been amazing. In the knockout stages Chelsea’s opponents have had twice as many shots, four times as many on target, but only managed to score one goal for every two that Chelsea scored. The upshot is that Di Matteo seems to have performed well on results, in cups at least, but underlying that is no supporting information. On an analytical basis, I don’t think he is the man to take it forward. Remember a great run and leave it as such. Celebrate the moment and go out on top. I’ll no doubt be a lonely voice in the chorus of calls for Di Matteo to get the job, but I think the decision that is made will end up defining the true underlying ambitions of Chelsea as a club.

We shouldn’t remove anything from Chelsea or their fans for finally reaching the promised land. It should be an enjoyable day, week and summer of great enjoyment at being crowned European champions and the first London club to achieve that, a remarkable achievement. But once the celebrations die down they need to re-group and re-shape if they are to build on that great night in Munich. The win may actually hinder that.


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I left a good job in the consumer technology industry to go a trade on Betfair for a living way back in June 2000. I've been here ever since pushing very boundaries of what's possible on betting exchanges and loved every minute of it.

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