Goodwood day two

02/08/2012 | By More

I didn’t have high expectations for yesterday and those where met!

The Frankel market was especially hard and I had to take a loss. You win some, you lose some and yesterday I lost some on this race. But that’s normal, you can’t win them all and it’s unrealistic to expect to do so, so it’s all about the balance of the two. So I didn’t get a result here but I will almost certainly another time. Looking back I just over did it a bit and left myself a bit exposed. If it had come off the result would have been huge. As it was I just trimmed my loss and moved on.

The set up wasn’t ideal for me yesterday. I tend to like races one after another and yesterday we had big long gaps between each of the races. Volumes are similar whatever the gap between races so large gaps reduce turnover per second and that limits my opportunities. We have the opposing affect today with Nottingham and Galway in front of Goodwood. So anything could happen today.

The thing that did surprise me about the Frankel market was the lack of backers. OK, Frankel was at very short odds but there was little to stop him from dominating the field and winning by a decent margin which is exactly what happened. So my inability to get enough filled on the lay side was a little surprising. You would think it would be madness to offer a decent lay on Frankel, but there didn’t seem many people willing to take me up yesterday. As predicted, Betdaq performed well yesterday and I did well, bar a cock up on the first race.

Frankel is quite a horse though and the run yesterday produced one of the strangest in-running graphs I have witnessed. I wondered if, while being held up, Frankel may drift slightly. No chance as it turned out!


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Category: Horse Racing

About the Author ()

I left a good job in the consumer technology industry to go a trade on Betfair for a living way back in June 2000. I've been here ever since pushing very boundaries of what's possible on betting exchanges and loved every minute of it.

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