Trading Tennis – The US Open

04/09/2012 | By More

While the summer evening racing markets have finished, thanks to the US Open tennis there is still plenty to do in the evenings at the moment; as long as it’s not raining! It’s raining at the moment,  which is why I thought I would pen this post.

Because of the time difference to the US, it is a really useful tournament to trade and the level of interest in a grand slam will ensure good liquidity. It’s a good opportunity to trade some quality Tennis markets. If you are interested learning to trade tennis, I’d like to highlight Tennis Trader to you.

The rationale behind Tennis trader is simple. From my earliest foray into gambling markets, my desire has always been to model any market I participated in. I do that because I am using a simple premise; to get a full understanding of a market before I risk any money. It’s essential to know roughly what upside and downside a trade is likely to yield, so by using a modelling or profiling tool you can say, ‘If I enter here and exit when this happens, how much could I make or lose?’ This is exactly what Tennis trader was designed to do.

When you participate in these markets, you will always have to anticipate something and judge whether it’s worth the risk and likely payoff. In the case of Tennis, simplistically, you need to anticipate a service hold or a service break. Modelling will allow you to know roughly what either of these scenarios will do to the odds. More importantly it will allow you experiment to your hearts content without risking any money and in advance of the actual match itself.

It’s great finding an entry or exit point in the market, but that’s useless if you are taking too much risk and that’s where Tennis Trader can act as a helpful guide. Tennis Trader is free with Bet Angel and can be accessed by clicking the Tennis ball on the main screen.


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Category: Tennis, Using Bet Angel

About the Author ()

I left a good job in the consumer technology industry to go a trade on Betfair for a living way back in June 2000. I've been here ever since pushing very boundaries of what's possible on betting exchanges and loved every minute of it.

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