Nice finish to a tricky day

30/03/2013 | By | Reply More

Wasn’t sure what to expect from today as it’s the first time the Lincoln has been shifted by a week since I have been trading it.

Last week we had virtually no racing at all and today we ended up with the chaos of 50 races, even excluding the big meeting at Meydan. To be honest I’d prefer neither. A nice progression from one race to another, no clashes, but lots of racing is my ideal set up. Didn’t really get that today.

Then to throw a real spanner in the works we quickly spot that Betfair’s API is throwing off some very strange errors. We broke out from the racing to capture the data first hand to escalate it to Betfair; but nobody else really seemed to be highlighting it as an issue. I fired up a spare copy of Bet Angel in a different connection mode to see me through the bulk of the card and that seemed to patch over the issue. Then, eventually, we had a full scale outage. Much briefer than other recent ones but an outage none the less. On this occasion it was in-between races so I escaped any problems. I hope you didn’t get on the wrong side of it. It’s made me twitchy ahead of the Grand National meeting at Aintree next week.

The site came back fairly quickly but my confidence didn’t, but I did hang on for the Dubai Gold Cup. I managed to get a reasonable result from it. Not the best result of the day or on this particular race either, but a decent way to end a tricky day. Time for an Easter break!


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I left a good job in the consumer technology industry to go a trade on Betfair for a living way back in June 2000. I've been here ever since pushing very boundaries of what's possible on betting exchanges and loved every minute of it.

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