How Betfair’s new API is an opportunity
Nobody seems to like change, but I’ve learnt over many years that change tends to bring opportunity along with it. Change is a fact of life and therefore opportunity is too!
Just over a year ago Betfair announced the cut off date for API 6 and the switch over took place in early November this year. When Bet Angel was first developed there wasn’t even an API, the fact the old API was called API 6 tells you there has been a lot of change over the years. Each time we do our best to reshape Bet Angel, well ahead of schedule, to the new API. I and many of my customers are reliant on Bet Angel for a living, so it’s important we do the best job we can. A lot of that involves behind the scenes work.
New opportunities
So, bar the odd niggle, the new API is our there now and most people are using it. As you can see from my trading results, not much has changed for me; so the transition has gone better than expected. Our main concern centred on performance once the old API was switched off, but that doesn’t seem to have been an issue. But the best opportunities are yet to come. Fundamental changes in the way data is exposed to Bet Angel users mean that for the first time in many years there are no data charges. You call use all features of Bet Angel and multiple copies of it at the same time in different markets without any charges. I can see that some customers have made full use of that already and that is why we aim to capitalise on that with new releases of Bet Angel in the near future. I’m currently busy exploring new areas that are open to me again having had to dodge data charges for many years. It’s given me a new lease of life on old strategies!
Category: Betfair, Trading strategies