Time to book your Betfair holiday
For the larger commission payers amongst you, this is a reminder to make sure you examine whether its worth booking your Betfair holiday before Sunday for the next week or two
When you generate commission you get credited with Betfair points. The more points you have the lower commission you pay. But each week Betfair decay a big chunk of your points which you would then top up with more activity.
Next week is a short week, especially if you are into horse racing, so it really makes no sense to let the decay happen without replenishing with new activity, so make sure you take a Betfair holiday during your holiday. You can book them in advance and Sunday is the last day you can do this ahead of next week. If you do this it will mean your account gets no decay next week which has to be worthwhile if you will be less active over the festive period.
More information here – https://www.betfair.com/aboutUs/Betfair.Charges/

Hopefully you are not pointless
Category: Betfair