Liquidity at the Open Golf

15/07/2015 | By | Reply More

The Open is almost upon us and while I realise it’s not a burning question on everybody’s mind, I thought I’d help you find the best time to take a position the market before it starts.

One of the problems with Golf is that early start in the morning. It will be around 06:30 for the Open. That prevents most people getting up early to stick a position on. That more or less includes me. I wasn’t sure though if I was missing out so I’ve collect data over the last few years to find out.

Volumes tend to start perking up the day before the Open starts, today. Then then rise in a fairly steady manner for the remainder of the day. In the evening of the Wednesday it seems everybody is active but as we head past midnight activity completely dies away. At about six o’clock you get another burst. But aside from that burst about 95% of pre-off volume is in the market by about 1am in the morning. There isn’t a great need to get up early 🙂

The graph I have produced below shows you the general trend for volume right through to the start of the tournament. The percentage represents the amount matched to the total at the start of the tournament.

I know how I’ll use this information, hopefully it will be of use to you to. Weather forecast is very mixed for the tournament, should spice things up a bit.

Open Golf Volume


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Category: Golf, Trading strategies

About the Author ()

I left a good job in the consumer technology industry to go a trade on Betfair for a living way back in June 2000. I've been here ever since pushing very boundaries of what's possible on betting exchanges and loved every minute of it.

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