How evening racing is different

20/04/2016 | By | Reply More

We have now started the evening racing in earnest and it won’t stop till the end of August. So you have four months to make hay while the sun shines, not forgetting we are in the England, so it won’t shine much.

However, there are at least four different states that you see in racing during this period.

(1) Afternoon racing

This tends to me higher quality than the evening racing and will therefore trade differently.

(2) Evening racing

There is this tricky period between the afternoon and the evening at this time of year. Markets are a bit bumpy and erratic as we transition from one set of meetings to the other. You may want to duck a few races as they are harder to trade. But when you fall into the evening racing fully, you will begin to settle into a pattern again. Only when we reach June does this space out a little.

The evening racing tends to be more trendy than the afternoon racing and you are more likely to pick up some bigger moves, but that can work both ways of course. So you need to take that into account.

(3) Saturday racing

Saturday is a different kettle of fish again. Most of the quality is focused on a Saturday and therefore that feels very different. When you sink into the evening racing it’s all change again. The evening racing on a Saturday is typically much weaker than the rest of the week by far. I tend not to trade Saturday evenings. It’s time to chillax a bit and reflect on the week.

Multi-day meetings will trade differently and more like a Saturday when quality is around. For example, Royal Ascot, will feel very different and meetings like the Epsom Derby meeting will trade well on the Friday, as well as the Saturday. I think that’s fairly obvious.

(4) Sunday racing

Sunday racing drops off a little. There can be some highlights, like the Guineas meeting, but generally, it drops down a note and feels more like the normal evening racing. On a Sunday however, there is no evening racing. So it’s do or die if you trade on a Sunday afternoon. I will dip in and out on Sundays, but ultimately you do need some time and space for yourself, so you may want to elect that day for those purposes. There tends to be less money around on a Sunday.

As we move into May the afternoon cards on a Monday and Tuesday can drop to only two meetings. So that may present an opportunity for you to take some time out, but the evening card at Windsor always seems to trade well for some reason. So it’s definitely worth a shot.

So there you go, we should welcome evening racing, but also park it in its own corner and treat each of those characteristics appropriately.


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Category: Featured, Horse Racing

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I left a good job in the consumer technology industry to go a trade on Betfair for a living way back in June 2000. I've been here ever since pushing very boundaries of what's possible on betting exchanges and loved every minute of it.

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