Good Luck to all runners today
If you are running the London marathon today then, I’m jealous! But I’d like to wish you the best of luck and hope you have a really good run.
If I can stay injury free for a few years I may try once more, but I’m getting old and decrepit; so it gets less likely each year. Nothing’s impossible though as I could always enter the wheelchair race! I was a good 1/2 marathon runner, but couldn’t transfer that form to the full distance, so I respect anybody that can.
Bit like life
I think Running a marathon is a bit like life. You start full of optimism, you try really hard, some people realise its a lot of effort and drop out, you often consider it yourself, then push on and eventually cross the finish line and feel like it was actually worth the effort.
The thing I remember around the marathon is the endless preparation and those tough days during the winter when you really wondered if you had gone mad. But there was nothing comparable to cross that finish line. Which is why I’d love to do it again.
Have a great day out today whether you are running or watching.

When I had hair and could run 13.1 miles in 80 minutes
Category: General