The greatest show on earth?

26/09/2016 | By | Reply More

Tonight in the US we have the first presidential debate and what an interesting one it looks like it will be!

Take your side

In the red corner we have the eccentric, surely can’t be elected president, TV personality Donald Trump. And in the blue corner we have the political dynasty that are the Clintons.

Political markets rise in prominence

Political markets on Betfair are becoming very big business and this prominence within the marketplace reached a peak during the recent BREXIT vote.

The EU referendum market turned out to be the biggest individual market in Betfair’s history, matching over £113m when the market closed.

It’s looking like the US presidential market could thump even that, already we are approaching 50 million in traded amounts in the election isn’t until 8 November.

Out on the campaign trail

The debate so far has been particularly rancorous and not something you’d expect from a nation that believes it has the right to lead the free world. Politics in the US has been very divisive and not particularly forward thinking and that’s reflected in the debate so far.

After a rocky start to the campaign, the Trump camp is finally pulling things together. This has been aided by a somewhat lacklustre Democrat campaign and continuing concerns about Hillary Clinton’s health. Despite the reassurances, it easy for even the layperson to see that she is not exactly a ball of energy and it’s a stark contrast to the, now greying, Barack Obama.

From a fairly wide margin start the Democrats have successfully allowed the Trump campaign to narrow the gap and each time a new poll comes out or a video of Clinton looking less than perfect, the markets gyrate appropriately.

It’s making for a fantastic trading market and the first debate this evening will add some impetus to that as well.

Keep up-to-date with the latest news

If you want to debate and see yourself through the wild gyrations in this market, then check out the thread in the forum as one of the busier threads at the moment. You can see me and others attempt to position ourselves ahead of the market and try and profit from this fascinating “sport”.



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Category: Trading strategies

About the Author ()

I left a good job in the consumer technology industry to go a trade on Betfair for a living way back in June 2000. I've been here ever since pushing very boundaries of what's possible on betting exchanges and loved every minute of it.

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