BETDAQangel now includes automation

07/04/2015 | By | Reply More

While you have been busy filling your face with chocolate over Easter the team here have been busy road testing the latest version of Bet Angel for BETDAQ. It is now ready for release!

The latest upgrade is on top of the all the recent upgrades we made to the previous version of Bet Angel for BETDAQ, which you can view here: –

This latest version now includes automation.

Using automation you really have little excuse for not trying new things on BETDAQ whether it’s a simple alert, switch to market or fully fledged trading or betting strategy, you can now do this in the background without any human intervention. We have created a playlist for you to explore what you can do with automation: –

This playlist was created for the Betfair version, so there are some differences between the Betfair and Betdaq automation. Some features, like SP for example, are not available on Betdaq just yet. So please be aware of these but other that these feature differences it’s very similar to the Betfair version. Even to the point where you can use most of the files you created with your Betfair version as a base for automating things on Betdaq.

But of course, as always, we suggest you fully test your system in great depth before remortgaging the house on it!

The best bit of all, of course, is that Bet Angel for BETDAQ is completely FREE. There is no reason not to give it a try, you don’t even need a Betdaq account as you can sign up when you install the software.

You can download BETDAQ Angel from: –


BetDAQAngel Automation




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Category: Betdaq, Using Bet Angel

About the Author ()

I left a good job in the consumer technology industry to go a trade on Betfair for a living way back in June 2000. I've been here ever since pushing very boundaries of what's possible on betting exchanges and loved every minute of it.

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