Using Bet Angel on the Ladbrokes exchange

10/11/2013 | By | Reply More

With the launch of the new Ladbrokes exchange, we’ve had lots of people asking if we are going to produce Bet Angel for Ladbrokes?

But, in fact, we have already and it’s free. Basically BETDAQ Angel is already compatible with Ladbrokes because the Ladbrokes exchange is based on the Betdaq exchange model. All bets on the Ladbrokes exchange feed into Betdaq and vice versa.

So you can see how, we thought we would show you what happens on the Ladbrokes Exchange website when a bet is placed using Betdaq Angel. You can of course do this yourself. I chose a quiet market that had gaps to make it easier to demonstrate.

See the first image below:

You can see there is a gap on the outsiders where there is no money waiting to be matched. I’m going to place a bet there using Betdaq Angel to show you what happens.

Ladbrokes Exchange
Click image to zoom
Ladbrokes Exchange
Click image to zoom

In the second image you can see I have placed a bet using Betdaq Angel.

In the final image below you can now see my bet showing in the Ladbrokes exchange.

Ladbrokes Exchange
Click image to zoom

Here is a video showing this in action.


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Category: Betdaq, Ladbrokes, Using Bet Angel

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