RSSCategory: Alternative markets

Royal wedding bets

Royal wedding bets

Yes, you can punt on the Royal wedding as well!

I doubt this market will interest me much, but I do like the idea of ‘your sex is on fire’ being the first song the couple dance to.


26/04/2011 | By More
Good luck today

Good luck today

If you are running the London marathon today then, I’m jealous! But I’d like to wish you the best of luck and hope you have a really good run. When I last ran it in 1996 the weather was warm like today and it was tough going, so take it easy.

If I can stay injury free for a few years I may try once more, but I’m getting old and decrepit; so it gets less likely each year. Nothings …

17/04/2011 | By More
Snooker loopy

Snooker loopy

Although we rarely do much on snooker, in the outright markets the same rules as normal apply. Find a couple of guys at longish odds who, while they might not win, are likely to do well in the first couple of rounds and back-to-lay their championship odds. If we can plot the likely winners at each stage of the draw, there are profits to be made by trading in and trading out before the next round starts.

Current World Champ …

16/04/2011 | By More
Snooze to lose

Snooze to lose

I quite like novelty bets as they are difficult to price, but I missed this one yesterday. In hindsight an opportunity missed!

Ken Clarke netted a punter a decent return at 16/1 by officially / unofficially falling asleep during the budget speech yesterday. Some of these other more esoteric bets didn’t come in.


24/03/2011 | By More
Super Bowl off to a slow start?

Super Bowl off to a slow start?

It’s not often we trade on the NFL, but amid all the hype, how could we not mention it? Super Bowl XLV kicks off on Sunday evening in what promises to be a fascinating contest between the Green Bay Packers and the Pittsburgh Steelers.

The total points market is always one of interest and this year promises to be no different with Aaron Rodgers and Ben Roethlisberger occupying the quarterback positions. The over/under points total is set at 45.5 (I …

06/02/2011 | By More
McCoy is sports personality of the year

McCoy is sports personality of the year

Well done AP, well deserved. Looks like racing’s campaign to raise awareness, and votes, has paid off. I’ve got a lot of respect for jump jockey’s and especially for AP. So it’s great to see it the sport getting recognised.


19/12/2010 | By More
And the winner is?

And the winner is?

‘Reality’ TV is reaching it’s year end climax and I’m looking forward to a boost to my December totals.

Despite their nature, there are sometimes some very intuitive trades to be made on reality shows. Not always, but quite often, opportunities jump out of these contests. So while I don’t tend to watch this sort of stuff, some logic will point you in the direction of a clear opportunity.

On the X-Factor I have had up to £4.5k green on …

12/12/2010 | By More
Next NUFC manager

Next NUFC manager

Newcastle United FC’s sacking of Chris Hughton – apart from being one of the most stupid backroom decisions in the ludicrous world of Premier League football – opened us up to a few smart trades over the last couple of days.

The favourite usually chops and changes based on nothing more than speculation and is directly affected by what the potential new managers say in the media. Martin O’Neill was installed as the immediate favourite, then Alan Pardew quickly moved …

07/12/2010 | By More
Don’t pay till May

Don’t pay till May

It was only when my favourite football club got relegated that I started playing around in the relegation and promotion markets. Since then it has become a regular stamping ground for me during the season, especially at the start or end. People seem to have this wonderful propensity to put too much emphasis on recent results or events. Either that or they carry hopes that are just clearly out of whack with reality.

So far this year I have made …

04/12/2010 | By More
2012 all over again?

2012 all over again?

Been keeping an eye on the winner of the 2018 world cup bid market. England are shortening up quite quickly and are now favourites to win the tournament. I hope they do, or else I will be a very old man by the time the World Cup tournament eventually comes, if it does at all, to England.

It’s very reminiscent of the London 2012 Olympic bid. Paris were in the lead for ages are looked nailed on to win the …

01/12/2010 | By More
95% of traders lose?

95% of traders lose?

95% of traders lose is a very common statistic quoted, but I’ve never seen any data on it. Somebody recently sent this to me about forex traders, which I thought made interesting reading. Obviously this is limited to the scope and definition of the survey but I think it’s an interesting article and discussion. It also shows the importance of money management and low transaction costs.

As they say, 47.3% of statistics are made up on the spot!


05/11/2010 | By More
Betfair’s LMAX up and running

Betfair’s LMAX up and running

It looks like Betfiar’s financial markets operation, LMAX, is up and running. I am on their mailing list but haven’t received anything yet. However, if you visit the following site you can read about LMAX and sign up for an account and browse the site.

The first thing I tried to find was charges. It appears Betfair are going to adopt a normal financial market model of charging for a buy and sell, there are some example trades here: …

24/10/2010 | By More
X Factor alert

X Factor alert

OK, I know you are thinking, what’s Peter doing talking about the X Factor! But, for anybody that has been on my course, the news that a new contestant is likely to be added to the market on Saturday should be a signal to get involved in the market.

As with all things, there is a bit of uncertaintly here. But you could get some good upside if the 13th contestant does arrive. For once in my life I will …

08/10/2010 | By More
John Higgins cleared of match-fixing

John Higgins cleared of match-fixing

It increasingly looks to me  like newspapers are trying to get stories out of sportsmen by setting them up to talk about match fixing. Despite the fact Higgins never did fix anything, it did a lot of damage to him and snooker. His guilt it appears, is not to report the incident.

I suppose the decent thing to come out of this is that sports men and women will be very nervous about meeting strangers or even contemplating meeting …

08/09/2010 | By More
You thought racing had integrity issues!

You thought racing had integrity issues!

Formula one race fixed at the weekend, some strange moves in odds on Tennis matches. These have all be topped by this remarkable boxing ‘match’. At least the winner had something to say about it.

Full story here: –

All 29 seconds seconds of the ’bout’ here: –


08/08/2010 | By More