Category: Using Bet Angel

Easy Market Selection and Navigation
Easy Market Selection and Navigation
A common support question is market selection and navigation. It’s a generally simple process but there are many ways to do it.
Opening the market selection dialogue box is simple. If you use file and select you select a market from there or you can click on the ‘Select Market and start betting’ button in the bottom right corner of the screen Bet Angel shows when it is first opened. Or you can click on …

The risk meter – A hidden gem
Bet Angel contains a near little feature hidden away in the market overview screen, it’s called the risk meter.
If you trade on horse racing then this handy little tool will allow you to measure what a market feels like. This means you can adapt your trading style according to this measure. Some markets suit certain styles and others don’t. So using the risk meter will give you a better assessment on how the market feels and what to do …

Using traded volume to trade on Bet Angel
In this video I describe how to use the two traded (matched bet) volume indicators on Bet Angel. A simple but effective way of understanding where the short term volatility is driving market prices.
A bit of a special spreadsheet
Many thanks to Switesh for creating, uploading and detailing this spreadsheet and then allow us to publish it.
There is a lot you can do with Bet Angel and with the Excel spreadsheet integration the sky is the limit. You can use the spreadsheet in the background while you do other things with Bet Angel as well. You can trade on the main interface and also use the automation if you wish, all at the same time. Don’t forget you …

Strange places to trade from..
Over the many years I’ve been trading, I generally never pass up a clear opportunity to do a decent trade or trading session. This has led me to trade from all manner of places.
Just before I left my final job in the corporate world many years ago I’d often trade in the toilet. Bit odd you may think, but as I got more and more into trading I started to take bigger and bigger positions and they need careful …

Top benefits of using a VPS to trade
[Forward by Peter]
I first used a VPS back in 2004. I had to travel abroad and I wasn’t sure what the internet connection was like, or if using Betfair from abroad would even be viable. So I took the plunge and started using a VPS. The idea, get a fast and reliable connection to Bet Angel and Betfair where ever I am. I’ve been using one ever since! But what is a VPS and would it be useful to …

Simple Tennis Automation
With the Australian tennis open about to start, I thought I would look at automating some tennis markets and see what can be done.
The Australian Open is mens tournament a is played over five sets, there is no tie breaker in the final set either. Out of the grand slams, only the US Open has a tie breaker in the final set. Without a tie break matches can, in theory, go on indefinitely. Although the longest ever grand slam …

Automating your football trading
Bet Angel contains a very powerful automation tools. In this article we look at how this can help automate a simple strategy on football.
Automation is as simple or complex as you wish. To help you we plan to create a library of simple automation files that you can download and build upon.
For this automation strategy we will look at backing or laying the draw. We want to automatically place a bet just before kick-off then exit the trade …

Mission impossible
One look at the racing card this morning and the music from mission impossible should have started running through your head.
Even with two meetings abandoned there are still a total of 11 meetings in the UK and Ireland today and a total of 720 runners over 72 races.
The problem you have on days like this is that the races fall all over each other and before one has finished another has already started. They are also generally lower …

Sometimes you win, sometimes you……
I came across this phrase this year and I think it’s a neat one. It encapsulates the mental process you need to go through to be successful in pretty much anything in life.
What is talent?
It’s nice to think we are talented or some how ‘special’ but in fact a lot of talent comes through good old fashioned hard work. We have discussed it often in the psychology section of the forum. Generally there are no short cuts, …

Using Bet Angel on the Ladbrokes exchange
With the launch of the new Ladbrokes exchange, we’ve had lots of people asking if we are going to produce Bet Angel for Ladbrokes?
But, in fact, we have already and it’s free. Basically BETDAQ Angel is already compatible with Ladbrokes because the Ladbrokes exchange is based on the Betdaq exchange model. All bets on the Ladbrokes exchange feed into Betdaq and vice versa.
So you can see how, we thought we would show you what happens on the Ladbrokes …

The Bet Angel Active Desktop – The biggest thing you may have missed so far.
For those who have upgraded to 1.35.x you may have noticed something different about the way the desktop looks when you log in.
The desktop was an area that has looked the same for many years now and it needed refreshing. Gone is the old jumble of messages that you may have not read for a while.
In its place is a new active desktop that not only integrates the social aspect of Bet Angel …

Screen profiles – Setting up Multiple Ladders and Charts
Further to my post on Bet Angel screen layouts, a recent conversation with a regular user has given me the chance to show off some clever things you can do with Bet Angel, Multiple ladders and screen profiles.
As we will be covering charts in this post, the first thing to note is that on the advanced charting you can pan and zoom through chart data to examine key turning points. If you load the markets into Guardian you …

End of flat season nears – Trading advice
Nice to see Cheltenham on the card again, but with the first two races containing a total of nine runners, I’m not getting that excited about the jumps just yet.
Traditionally the end of the flat season is the November handicap at Doncaster. This falls on the 9th of November this year. But tomorrow being champions day at Ascot, will more or less be a celebration of the flat season.
The forecast for tomorrow is better than I expected …

Automating your football trading
For those who have not yet tried the advanced automation feature within Bet Angel, football offers several opportunities to try this out. If you are unfamiliar with any features in Bet Angel, try them out in practice mode.
In this example I am going to show you how to automate a simple trade on the Over/Under 2.5 market and green out for a profit. I’ll explain why this works and things to look our for.
The Over/Under 2.5 goals …

New version of Bet Angel available
We were pleased launch the latest version of Bet Angel over the weekend, version 1.35. You can read more about it and watch some videos in the newsletter that was sent at the weekend: –
Key improvement is more customisation of the ladder interface and the new ability to be able to spawn multiple ladders on multiple markets from the most common market selection tools in Bet Angel.
If you are an existing Bet Angel subscriber just download …

Creating and saving multiple screen layouts with Bet Angel
Sometimes people say to me ‘I don’t like the layout of Bet Angel’ or that they would change some things around, perhaps add or remove something. Well, you can actually already do that.
Not only that you can save any number of screen layouts for use in the future, configured exactly as you require either for a particular strategy or a particular market. Both the Betfair and Betdaq versions of the software have this ability. To help you I have …

Sound alerts – Making a noise with Bet Angel Automation
Guardian Automation is a great way of having Bet Angel automatically place bets or manage a market when you are not there. But sometimes you may be there but cannot keep eyes on all markets.
One handy little feature of the Automation tool is the ability to play a custom sound when an event occurs.
Here I’m going to show you how to create an alert. Once you know how to do it, have a go at creating your own.…

Using Bet Angel to autotrade score-lines in football
Last season I knocked up a spreadsheet that did something interesting.
I didn’t realise at the time, but it turned out to be one of my more popular posts and videos. Basically it used Guardian and our spreadsheet integration to create an imaginative overview on an underlying football match.
I do this sort of stuff all the time to examine all manner of markets. Stepping back from the just the numbers and looking at another representation of the market can …

Adding multiple soccer markets using Guardian
Bet Angel has so many useful features that many of them are hidden away and not immediately obvious.
For example, did you know you can quickly add all ‘Match odds’ markets for football (soccer) games happening on a particular date in the Guardian tool? And if you only want to bet on the premiership games, these are easy to add too.
Multi market trading is in high demand and the Guardian tool within Bet Angel is a great way of …

Using Automation to drip feed bets into Betfair
Occasionally, there is a message sent to support that gives us the opportunity to showcase a particular feature of Bet Angel.
One such case recently was a request to help someone configure a drip feed system.
A drip feed is a system you might use if you wish to place large bets in the exchange but do not wish to ‘spook’ the system by placing it all in one go. For example, you may wish to place a bet of …

Two Steps – One Giant Leap
For some time now, there has been a chorus of appeals for Betfair to beef-up their security measures.
If you visit the forum there have been lots of anecdotal stories in the past regarding unauthorised access to Betfair accounts. Even though IP addresses and locations can be traced, actually getting anyone to do anything about a hacked account was and remains difficult. Things took a big twist when it was revealed Betfair had suffer a security breach and failed to …

Creating a ‘fat finger’ rule with Bet Angel automation
I slipped this video into the section on automation last weekend, but I reckon a few people would have missed it; because I didn’t specifically highlight it.
This video demonstrates how to create a rule using Guardian automation to capture favourable odds that can be created when the market goes a bit ‘loopy’. It’s a rule that can run in the background automatically regardless of what you are doing in your main trading interface.
We have a thread on the …

Using Bet Angel’s Advanced Automation
Automating your activity is often referred to as ‘botting’, the colloquial term for using a robot to perform activity on your behalf. As well as fully featured betting and trading tools, Bet Angel also includes many automation type features.
Using Automation with Bet Angel will save you time and improve your effectiveness in a market. You can standardise a strategy, test a theory, supplement your existing activity, participate at low risk on new markets, automate the entry or exit of …

Using Bet Angel’s Basic automation
Let’s imagine we want to bet on a runner that looks like it will win. For example, we may have noted in certain types of races that the first runner to dip below 1.4 generally goes on to win. We can ask Bet Angel to place a BACK bet using the Back Automation Rule:
If current odds >=1.01 and odds <=1.4 and WOM<=100% Place at 1.01
This is saying if the price of the runner reaches anywhere between 1.01 and …

How to automate your Betting or Trading
Bet Angel has many exciting features but none more interesting than that of automation. Automation offers the tantalising promise of unattended and automatic trading that free you up to trade on other markets while it works its magic in the background or do something else – like go to work, or play some golf!
But seriously, putting the Excel streadsheet integration to one side, Bet Angel also has key two automation areas. When you start Bet Angel there is an …

Travelling trader
This post has been prompted by this thread in the forum. I don’t know if you remember my post of 2/3 years ago, where I kitted out a holiday cottage so I could trade.
Why? I’ve learnt from past mistakes that if you see an opportunity you take it, in full. So while I’m still in my trading prime, I’d be a fool to turn down the opportunity. Plenty of time to enjoy it later. I also love travelling …

Bet Angel hints and tips – Column sorting
The one-click screen in Bet Angel has many features that you may not be aware of. From custom columns, column chooser, drag and drop columns to automatic column sort.
In this post we are looking at the column sort feature and some of its hidden features.
Firstly, take a look at the column headers:
Now click on the one at the top of the ‘Back’ price column. You will see it will now has an up arrow next …
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