Tag: api

How Betfair’s new API is an opportunity

How Betfair’s new API is an opportunity

Nobody seems to like change, but I’ve learnt over many years that change tends to bring opportunity along with it. Change is a fact of life and therefore opportunity is too!


Just over a year ago Betfair announced the cut off date for API 6 and the switch over took place in early November this year. When Bet Angel was first developed there wasn’t even an API, the fact the old API was called API 6 tells you …

10/12/2014 | By | Reply More
How to avoid Betfair API problems

How to avoid Betfair API problems

Unfortunately Betfair suffered two more problems on the API yesterday, adding to the number that have occured on a regular basis recently.

This post is a reminder for everybody that Bet Angel can run in an alternative (non API) mode if you experiance an issue. Using this mode can completely save your bacon if there is an API glitch. It’s a feature that pays for itself, even if it’s just in terms of your peace of mind! You must …

04/03/2012 | By More
Betdaq API problems

Betdaq API problems

Just sending this out in case anybody has any automated spreadsheets running on Betdaq Angel today.

The Beqdaq API has a problem this afternoon and things are not working as they should be. Please double check any thing you have running.

We altered Betdaq to the issue quickly and they are onto it.

[EDIT : Betdaq now have a fix for the issue and will be deploying it after today’s racing]

If you want to become aware of these sorts …

02/02/2012 | By More
£1k account caused £600m Betfair error

£1k account caused £600m Betfair error

Betfair have issued a statement this afternoon outlining the error that caused the exchange to misfire. The full statement is here: –


But here are some bullet points:-

“This bet was placed by one of our UK customers trading the race via our API or Application Programming Interface (bdp.betfair.com/) using an automated program (a “bot”). Their bot had developed a fault causing it to try and place a very large number of bets on the Exchange. These bets were …

30/12/2011 | By More
It’s jungle out there

It’s jungle out there

Another week and another amazing betting system drops into my inbox.

Each one is similar to the last, as for only a few quid, limited to just a few people; you can have a system that requires little work yet prints money. Sounds fantastic, but as we all know it’s just not true. Why sell something for a fraction of the profit it allegedly generates? Just doesn’t make any sense.

In the past I have noticed that most of these …

02/12/2011 | By More
The right connections

The right connections

First a history lesson.

A long time ago Betfair offered unfettered access to their servers. You could smash into their servers by requesting price information at will. Back then there was no API and you could only screen scrape information from Betfair. Because of this an arms race developed and Betfair considered banning the bots, but thankfully that never happened. What actually happened was an API was born and Betfair started slowly but surely changing the way their site …

26/08/2011 | By More
Practice makes perfect

Practice makes perfect

I thought I would make this post to remind people to upgrade / try the latest version of Bet Angel. I’m motivated to highlight this by the fact that only a portion of our users base have upgraded at the moment according to last months figures.

As a reminder, we recently introduced a very comprehensive practice mode in the latest release of Bet Angel, version 1.28. You can see more about it here: –


The practice / training / …

09/07/2011 | By More
Record day

Record day

Phew, what a weekend that was!

We are now entering peak season for all things sports related and this weekend was a good warm up for the months ahead. It also set a new bench mark for me as the Saturday just gone turned out to be my best ever day on Betfair! Whether I can ever beat such a storming weekend is another question. When you have been going for as long as me, you need a little luck …

12/04/2011 | By More
Where Angel’s don’t fear to tread

Where Angel’s don’t fear to tread

Just over a week ago we had the Betfair upgrade and first outage.

Betfair has a chequered history of outage’s, but have been much better in recent years. Because Bet Angel was around before the API was created, we have always maintained a dual mode of operation. You can connect to Betfair via non API (The website) or API modes.

I tend to connect by the API but I have both available at all times, just in case there is …

08/02/2011 | By More
Betfair maintenance

Betfair maintenance

Unfortunately it looks like this Betfair ‘maintenance’ did not go well and the API is not working as expected. Numerous other issues have been occuring since the site came back. With Ludlow cancelled this is is a clear indication that today will be an inactive day. A frustrating end to the month.

If you still want to log into Betfair, the API is currently reported as being down. But if you are using the very latest version of Bet Angel, …

31/01/2011 | By More
New communications tool

New communications tool

I’ve created some new videos to highlight some of the new features in the latest version of Bet Angel. I will record some more in the coming week, but you can find a list of the current selection here. I have uploaded them to You Tube as well.

For some time we have allowed a lot of flexibility on how Bet Angel communicates with Betfair. This extends beyond the unique connection mode feature, to other areas of the software. …

29/10/2010 | By More
Betfair API problems

Betfair API problems

Just a short note to confirm that there were problems with the Betfair API this afternoon. For those that are new to Bet Angel you may be interested to know that we support API and non API connections. In the event of an API issue you can just switch from one mode to another to carry on you activity. There are some differences between the modes so make sure you are aware of those before switching connection mode.


04/08/2010 | By More
Connection modes on Bet Angel

Connection modes on Bet Angel

We have had lots of questions emailed in about API and non API modes on Bet Angel.

Here is a very quick video I recorded back in September last year outlining what a connection mode is. This should enable you to understand how to set up Bet Angel to use connection modes and it also specifically refers to what you should do if you are unable, or unwilling, to connect to the Betfair’s standard API.


01/02/2010 | By More
More Betfair problems today

More Betfair problems today

Last night there was a significant site outage, followed by issues for international customers. At 11am this morning the API went offline again.

It’s been a terrible week for Betfair.  I know that due to the measures Betfair have taken in recent years the stress on their servers much be much lower on a like for like basis than in years gone by. So I am not sure why these issues have been occurring on such a frequent basis this …

31/01/2010 | By More