Tag: f1

Betfair trading – Formula 1 – Street traders
Formula one is back this weekend, so we will get to see how the new cars will shape the sport this season.
I delved into the sport in depth a few years ago and have kept all the records up to date to look at key aspects of it from a trading perspective. While there are not huge amounts of money traded on F1, I’ve enjoyed the intellectual pursuit of understanding the sport a bit better. It’s thrown off a …

Testing times? Profit from them
Trading on Formula One racing may seem unusual and starting to trade even before the season has even started even more unusual, but it can often present some really good opportunities.
At the start of each year after a winter break, I watch preparations for the new Formula 1 season with interest. The various teams are testing new cars and configurations and it generally leads to a mixed bunch of results. But typically that’s what testing is all about. It’s …

Wonder weather you should trade?
Nice example today of how weather can play a important part in sport.
I’ve mentioned before that Rain in F1 can play an important part in a race. Turning a predictable victory into an unpredictable melee of circumstances.
Today we were presented with that and say the winner market dump odds of 1.51, 1.12 and 2.10. Daniel Ricciardo, who is having a great season, won the race but traded widely at 40’s. Throw into the mix a fast, but …

Canadian F1 Grand Prix
During the F1 season you will see me pop up with the odd stat. This is based on the research I completed this year.
I’ve been waiting for Canadian Grand Prix to come around as this is one of the least predictable from an outcome viewpoint (putting aside all the vagaries already in F1 this year). The circuit has been described as a ‘street curcuit without the houses’.
If you look historically at the Canadian GP the top qualifier only …

Bahrain Formula 1 Grand Prix
My quest to model all F1 circuits continues and its starting to yield results. It’s been a massive task, but I just love fiddling around with data to better understand a sport and look for an edge. If I don’t find anything, it makes for a nice magazine article anyway!
There is a limited data set from Bahrain so comparing this track to others is not an exact science, but when you sort the data a couple of characteristics pop …

F1 is back – Australian Grand Prix
Well my tickets for Silverstone are already booked and I’m looking forward to the new season.
I don’t tend to do much on Motorsport, but over time I’ve become adept at picking out opportunties on F1. Have a browse of some previous blog posts.
Comments from winter testing and early season practice tend to show you whose cars are competitive and whose are not. Other teams will catch up over the course of the season and rule changes can …

What’s the price of a good start?
Thought this may be of interest to you ahead of this weeks British Grand Prix. With the right tactics any market can be traded. I don’t know how to price up a Formula one market but I have made some good trades on it this year. My best trade was laying Lewis Hamilton to win the drivers championship, have a search for that if you wish to read why I did that.
At Monaco, the notoriously tight circuit where overtaking …
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