Tag: fifa



You wouldn’t think such a widely accepted charity symbol could possibly be a controversial figure, but I am sure that FIFA are determined to make it so. You would think a largely political organisation would be able to successfully brush aside any possible controversy about remembering the sacrifice people make during wars in a calm and reasoned manner before anything controversial came of it. But FIFA appear to have fowled up again on this one.

You can see the logic …

09/11/2011 | By More
Adopt Arsenal business model

Adopt Arsenal business model

If you remember this post where I was commenting on how impressed I was with Arsenal’s business model. Well it seems FIFA is as well.


I think, for the long term future of the game, it makes sense to engage on sensible terms.

I remember when I was young. I would pay £1.50 to stand on the terraces, stuffing my face with a hot dog, getting smoke wafted in my face, BUT you really could believe that your team …

16/01/2011 | By More