Tag: gambling

You think Donald Trump is bad!
There has been lots of discussion about Donald Trump’s rants of a mad man recently. So here are some more: –
This was the hearing that was called when the DOJ OLC reversed a long-standing policy by declaring that the Wire Act applied only to sports betting and not all forms of betting. This policy reversal potentially ‘opens the door’ for online gambling in all 50 states.
One sided views…

Why trading works so well – On football
With the champions league football starting up again, I thought I’d take a look at football at a simple level and explain why trading works so well, using football as an example.
First off a simple maths lesson.
Finding value
When you look at odds on Betfair, they refer to the implied chance of that event occurring. If we saw Manchester United priced at 2.00, we simply divide one by those odds and it produces the implied probability of that …

Mexico 1 – 0 USA
I’ve written about this sort of stuff before on the blog, but given my location at the moment it’s worth visiting it again. I’ve added a video at the bottom to bring home the point a bit more this time.
I would like to trade this week, but I’m going to move location to do it. I’ve shifted out of LA and down the coast to cross the border. It’s only a couple of hours from LA and from San …

Authorities close in on match fixing king
News this morning of many arrests in Singapore and the possibility that the leader of a global fixing ring, Dan Tan, is in custody.
If you want to understand why sports betting often gets such a bad press then here is the story that should explain why for you: –
I find it frustrating that corruption exists in sport and I believe its one of the reasons why if you manage to make some money in this market then …

It’s no wonder gambling has an image problem!
Here is my own personal take on the Elliot Short story and his subsequent jail sentence.
If there is one thing that frustrates me about what I am currently doing, its the image the betting industry has. This leads people to have deep seated issues with anybody who has anything to do with it. It’s almost as bad as the banking industry! Quite clearly it’s a gambling industry issue and one that’s driven by things like the Elliot Short …

US States agree online gambling bills
News this week that first Nevada then New Jersey have agree bills that legalise online gambling. Hurrah I hear you shout!
But wait, what’s this? Read through the detail and you find that actually both bills are a bit restrictive in terms of the fine detail.
In terms of the latter, the bill only allows Atlantic City casino companies to take online bets. Furthermore, the bill will only allow bettors from other states to gamble online, as long as regulators …
The folly of protectionist legislation
If there is one certainty about the world, uncertainty. Disruptive moments and technologies have been a way of life since time immemorial, in fact it seems the universe is built on constant change. Without it we wouldn’t be here. Change can be difficult, but only if you don’t embrace it.
As an example, I found an interesting piece on the how the internet has transformed over a decade, have a look: –
Back when man decided to discard the …

Germany set to backtrack on Gambling laws
Recently the Germany state of Schleswig-Holstein, to much fanfare, announced the licensing of three operators in it’s territory, myBet, Betfair and Nordwest Lotto. Three weeks later, operators Bwin, Bet365, BetAtHome and Tipico were also approved with their gaming licenses.
However the state recently announced a shock decision to return to German’s Interstate Gambling Treaty. Ralf Stegner had the following to say according to EGR:
“We are beginning to clear the minefield in the German gambling legislation left by our predecessors …

Betfair exits South Africa
With regulatory tangles ongoing in many territories Betfair has hit another bump in South Africa. This is a real shame as South Africa is on the same time zone as the UK. Betfair has already sent out emails to affected customers. Here is an extract of the key elements of the email: –
“We’re writing to inform you that following the recent ruling by the South African Supreme Court of Appeal, Betfair has decided that as of 00:01 GMT on …

Good old fashioned gambling
Since Betfair introduced new charges for their most successful customers, me included. I’ve done a fair bit of work all over the place. Back on Betfair, no matter how easy the opportunity, I can’t tell you just how difficult it is to actually do something that you know will result in the loss of 60% of your profit, I don’t know about others, but I really struggle to do it.
So, I’ve done some additional work on Betfair by looking …
Grass is for cows
Wimbledon is the only grand slam on grass, but it wasn’t always that way. Two other tournaments were played on grass on the grand slam circuit. The US Open, was played on grass until 1974, and the Australian Open, was played on grass until 1988.
Very few players would not admit that a win at Wimbledon would be a career defining moment. But it’s not through trying that players fail; it’s generally down to how each surface plays. Research by …

Gambling millions
Give me five minutes with somebody and I can teach you how to put through enormous sums through a market at relatively little risk, you wont make or lose much, but you will be able to say that you gambled millions that day, an impressive feat; or is it?
I have often been misquoted, especially when it comes to numbers. But one thing that is fairly certain in the modern betting age, is that racking up bets in the millions …

Online betting tax imposed
Stark headline for a lot in this sector, but in the latest austerity budget in Ireland there were proposals to level out the playing field by introducing a new tax on phone and Internet gambling. As always, details are a bit sketchy at the moment but shops have been taxed for sometime but other channels not, so this is addressing that discrepancy.
Quite how it will work and be enforced is difficult to see at the moment, but it will …

European Court rejects gambling restrictions
The European Court of Justice (ECJ) said German laws that protect state monopolies for gambling were “unjustifiable”.
The ruling could open the way for foreign betting companies to establish a presence in Germany.

My journey – Part one
To understand where I am today, you need to wind the clock back to my childhood and the spark that created everything.
Many moons ago I was born to a pretty average family. My father was a carpenter and my Mum worked in a petrol station. My family had pretty unspectacular lineage and most of my immediate relatives lived within a few miles radius. I didn’t get the best start in life (that’s another story) but I loved playing sport, …

New coalition supports gambling
Was browsing around the net in a quieter moment and read the story about David Cameron moving home to number 10. I was tickled to read this section in the story: –
“Mr Cameron, who said he had “quite a lot of other meetings and things I’ve got to do at the same time” as moving, was also asked to give two horse racing tips by Today’s sports reporter Garry Richardson.
The PM, who was given about a minute …

Facebook turns it’s back on gambling
Facebook had announced it will be taking steps to remove all forms of gambling advertising from its portal, including bingo, sportsbooks, poker and casino ads. The new regime of censorship includes 20 categories including firearms, tobacco, spy cameras, politically religious agendas and pyramid schemes. Members will still have access to free casino/sportsbook-style games and gaming businesses can still create groups, fan pages and Facebook pages to connect with fans and players.
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