Tag: ice

ICE totally gaming – A well timed industry event
Early February each year brings ICE totally gaming.
It’s a quiet time of the year and I’ll often holiday in February as the financial impact of trading less won’t really be felt by the end of the year. So the show is well timed to kick start the year and take some actions forward before that break.
The show
About 30,000 people descend on London’s Excel arena to glare at half-naked women, if you want to believe the press stories …

Lots of ICE
Just completing a busy week. It was one of more research, a fair bit of trading and a ton of meetings with people in the industry.
This week there have been a number of industry events on in London, the main one is called ICE. I am at the last one this morning, before heading back to the office this afternoon. These events take place each year and it’s where all the glitterati from the world of gambling come together …

Spent a lot of last week doing the industry rounds at a couple of trade shows, one of them was ‘ICE’.
I mentioned last year that my interest was raised when speaking to the non betting exchange part of the industry. It seems that the knowledge, research and ability I have acquired over the many years I have been doing this, is in demand from other parts of the industry; so last week was a check point on that progress.…
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