Tag: jump

Aintree, the Grand National and fallers
If there is one thing Aintree is known for it is spectacular fallers. In 2011 British racing yielded to public opinion and changed the fences at Aintree. The idea was to stop moreĀ fallers and serious injuries to horses. Did that happen? Will it happen? What the key factors behind a faller in a race?
Source data
To answer all the questions I took a look at half a million horses that raced around the various jumps races over the …
The aching transition
It’s that time of year in horse racing where the flat gives way to the jumps.
Some good flat races left, but a lot of lower quality and end of season stuff too. On the other side, the jumps now also have a number of novice races. So you end up with some really thin betting markets around at this time of year and things get tougher. However, it’s not new it’s been the same for years, it just a …
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