Tag: match fixing

Buzzfeed sticks the knife into Tennis integrity
Possibly the most comprehensive document(s) I have ever seen on match fixing emerged last night and are documented in detail on the BuzzFeed site. Called, ‘The Tennis Racket’, is has a provocative headline: –
Betting worth billions. Elite players. Violent threats. Covert messages with Sicilian gamblers. And suspicious matches at Wimbledon. Leaked files expose match-fixing evidence that tennis authorities have kept secret for years.
It’s caused quite a stir, but relates to a period a little while ago. But …

Authorities close in on match fixing king
News this morning of many arrests in Singapore and the possibility that the leader of a global fixing ring, Dan Tan, is in custody.
If you want to understand why sports betting often gets such a bad press then here is the story that should explain why for you: –
I find it frustrating that corruption exists in sport and I believe its one of the reasons why if you manage to make some money in this market then …

John Higgins cleared of match-fixing
It increasingly looks to me like newspapers are trying to get stories out of sportsmen by setting them up to talk about match fixing. Despite the fact Higgins never did fix anything, it did a lot of damage to him and snooker. His guilt it appears, is not to report the incident.
I suppose the decent thing to come out of this is that sports men and women will be very nervous about meeting strangers or even contemplating meeting …

Massive match fixing probe launched
German prosecutors have launched a probe into around 200 football matches. They suspect a number of matches, including champions league and Europa league matches, have been targeted by criminals who bribe players and officials to fix games. The criminals made money by betting on the results. Matches under investigation were played in Germany, Belgium, Switzerland, Croatia, Slovenia, Turkey, Hungary, Bosnia-Hercegovina and Austria.
More detail here, German coverage here.
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