Tag: motorsport

Betfair trading – Formula 1 – Street traders
Formula one is back this weekend, so we will get to see how the new cars will shape the sport this season.
I delved into the sport in depth a few years ago and have kept all the records up to date to look at key aspects of it from a trading perspective. While there are not huge amounts of money traded on F1, I’ve enjoyed the intellectual pursuit of understanding the sport a bit better. It’s thrown off a …

The British Grand Prix
After a successful week, I’m ducking out of trading seriously today to watch some sport and do a few other things.
British Grand Prix stats
The British GP is curious in that, for a non-street circuit, the average outcome is quite variable from Grid to Finish. It’s the least certain race outside the street circuits. 71% of poles end up on the podium and it’s 50/50 whether second or third on the grid will end up on the there also. …

Testing times? Profit from them
Trading on Formula One racing may seem unusual and starting to trade even before the season has even started even more unusual, but it can often present some really good opportunities.
At the start of each year after a winter break, I watch preparations for the new Formula 1 season with interest. The various teams are testing new cars and configurations and it generally leads to a mixed bunch of results. But typically that’s what testing is all about. It’s …

British Grand Prix
I’m off to see the British Grand Prix this weekend. Just my luck that the race day should coincide with the moment the first Briton in 74 years is going to be playing the men’s final at Wimbledon, I’d quite like to watch that. But I can’t renege on the offer to take my son to Silverstone, even if it means trudging through what is likely to be very boggy ground.
The weather forecast looks mixed at best and this …

British Grand Prix
By the time you read this I will be tucking into a Bacon Roll at Silverstone, home of the British Grand Prix.
I’ve been determined to get to more sporting events this year rather than just sit at my desk looking for an opportunity, so I am pleased to confirm I am fulfilling that obligation so far this year. I was going to the Open Golf, because it is in the south this year. But given recent events I think …
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