Tag: newmarket

Calamity Cambridgeshire
I’ve picked off a few good results from the Cambridgeshire in the past and hope to this weekend.
The race
The Cambridgeshire is a very competitive large field handicap run at Newmarket each year. It’s focal point at this time of year and followed by the Cesarewitch. As with all big, competitive, quality races; fill rate will be at the top of my mind. I’m not expecting a gamble to explode out of nowhere, but you never know nowadays.
The …

Behind the scenes at the home of British horse racing
A few weeks ago I was fortunate to be invited to Newmarket (the birthplace and spiritual home of British horseracing) by a fellow Bet Angel forum member who is an ex-jockey that rode for Sir Mark Prescott for many years.
Newmarket itself is steeped in history and is built around horse racing with approx. 3000 horses stabled across 2500 acres. It is home to most of the UK’s top trainers. The best way to describe it would be to say …

Newmarket July Meeting
The Newmarket July meeting starts today and is a decent highlight on the journey through the Month.
I’ve had mixed results over the years and is the sort of meeting where you want to do well, but you can’t push it as hard as at other meetings. If the opportunity strikes, you can usually make the most of it and get a decent result.
Last year went well, but, in my experience, it’s the sort of meeting where you can’t …

Trading Tennis in-clay – When it’s good to see Red
European clay court Tennis, Group Racing at Newmarket, the Grand National behind us; spring is definitely here!
We are now on the cusp of a lot of major sporting action. The Monte Carlo Masters Tennis is a signal to start dusting down things for the French Open. The European clay court season is upon us and it presents us with some decent opportunities.
Tennis – Why Red Clay can equal Green
Clay is an interesting surface for Tennis because of …

Craven meeting
We have just started the Craven meeting at Newmarket. With deference to the TV presenter, it’s not named after him but instead an early supporter of Racing at Newmarket. Yesterday we had the Nell Gwyn an interesting character.
How the Craven trades
I prefer to know whether I’m in a good market or a poor one. But the Craven meeting at Newmarket often sits right in-between that. I know there’s quality there, but in terms of liquidity it often …

Fingers at the ready
After some below par racing recently, we explode into a smorgasbord of quality today. Though in typical racing fashion we have five cards on this afternoon!
Top of the list is Newmarket where prize money totals £668k over 7 races. The return of Cheltenham sees a more modest £67k for their seven races. But the presence of both should make for a decent afternoon of action.
Haydock and Redcar chip in with some lower grade action but some of that …

Newmarket July meeting
Felt I should comment on the meeting that is taking place at Newmarket this week.
After a fairly long spell of indifferent racing we are treated to some quality for the next three days. So that should bring some focus to your trading. It’s not an amazing meeting but you should be able to dig out a few opportunities. The higher quality stuff should bring some much needed liquidity to the markets.
I’m off to a decent start, so hope …

The first Classic of the season is here!
Jollygreen has provided an overview of this years race and you can see my own thoughts from the video I recorded earlier this week further down this post.
The racing fraternity in the UK always look forward to this day, the first of the Classics. I often find they are also pretty tricky to solve; unless Frankel is in the line up! From a trading point of view, paddock judges can have an influence on market movement. There is always …

Craving Craven
I prefer to know whether I’m in a good market or a poor one, but the Craven often sits in-between that. I know there’s quality there, but in terms of liquidity it often hasn’t delivered in the past and as a betting heat it doesn’t have the same importance as other nearby events. But it is better than the dross that’s often between Cheltenham and the Grand National though, it has to be said!
Winter is generally pretty tough and …

All set for the Newmarket Guineas
The weather is looking great this weekend for the first real big trading market of the flat season, the Guineas. Good weather on a bank holiday weekend, I must be dreaming!
I’ve always enjoyed the Guineas meeting and have had some fun and game over the years on it. I’m really interested in how it will perform this year as we’ve spotted two major changes in the market between this year and last. So this weekend is turning into an …

Newmarket Cambridgeshire & a bit of a warning
An interesting set up for racing today. It’s a shame Ripon is off and Chester is only 5 minutes in front of Newmarket.
I’ve picked off a few good results from the Cambridgshire in the past but I will remember this race forever for the disaster of last year.
As we approached the key race of the day people started posting in the forum about performance issues with Betfair, we have a specific thread for this. Having done well on …

Just another Manic Monday
It has proved to be a ‘interesting’ Guineas weekend.
Saturday was OK and I netted a nice result on the big race. The FA Cup final was, I felt, a bit poor as a market. I don’t usually attempt to trade it pre-off, as I likely to be on some big racing markets on the same day, but I was suprised at how ‘inactive’ the market was.
Sunday proved to be a bit of mess. Several loose horses and a …

Newmarket Guineas
Two contrasting years for me recently in the Guineas, for the full story click here for the previous blog posts on Guineas day.
In summary, last year races was tricky to trade and the year prior was a dream. I’d forecast that this years race is somewhere inbetween the two, so I am hoping for a result somewhere inbetween as well. The weather has improved so that should make the market just that little bit more stable.
Reading last years …

So you think
Despite the long weekend I couldn’t help but be tempted to dip in to the Curragh yesterday to take a look at ‘So You Think‘. I’ve seen this horse progress in Australia so my ears pricked up when I heard it was running in Ireland yesterday. It didn’t disappoint and despite it’s short price I managed to get a decent position on it, netting just short of £127. This could be a good summer for the flat season …

I had a fantastic result on the Guineas last year, when just about everything fell into place nicely. This year already looks a bit tougher so I can’t assure myself of a similar result, but will try my best to make something happen. The much vaunted ‘Frankel’ is currently trading at 1.59 which should generate a lot of volume today, but whether it does much else is another question! I’ll be reviewing the Guineas trade, amongst others, in my next …

Newmarket July meeting
I’ve never really put this one in the diary as a meeting that exhibits great characteristics but this year it feels different and is much more positive. Don’t get me wrong its a much better than average meeting, it’s just never stood out in previous years. It’s been a good start to July, so I am hoping the last day of the meeting will bring further rewards. Typically the last day is the best.

1000 Guineas
Rather bizarrely I managed to get just over 1000 Guineas in profit on the 2000 Guineas. Does this mean I will get 2000 on the 1000? I doubt it, but it was an excellent day. I just happened to have one of those days where everything just seemed to slot into place. I managed a clean sweep on all 44 races I traded today. It’s so nice to do that, but I think you have to be realistic and accept …

21 Shillings
Or a Guinea, 2000 of them were up for grabs in 1809 when the 2000 Guinea’s was first run at Newmarket. The race should now be called the 380,000 Guinea’s, but that doesn’t have the same ring to it does it?
It will always have a special place in my heart as it was the first race I traded while lounging by a swimming pool! Early on in my trading career I was on my travels, but still wanted to …

Welcome back Cheltenham
Delighted to see decent cards at Newmarket and Cheltenham today, with the champions meeting underway at Newmarket I am hopeful for a busy weekend. All the racing is on Racing UK today so that is helpful as wel. The coverage on this channel is so much better than on ‘At the adverts’.
There is a good mixture of different types of racing this weekend so you should be able to witness most types of markets over the next two days …
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