Tag: open golf

Open golf final round

Open golf final round

Couldn’t help but revisit the stats and check where we stand as we head, finally, into the final round at St’Andrews.

Some key stats: –

  • Average winning score at St’Andrews has been 11 under par, biggest was 19 under, smallest 5 under back in 1970. All recent scores have been much lower, apart from the 6 under in 1995.
  • Average score per round for the Open is 69 to 69.50 per round, basically under 70.
  • The winner has averaged 70.50
20/07/2015 | By | Reply More
Open Golf – Tee time effect

Open Golf – Tee time effect

As expected the Scottish Summer has set in at The Open this morning and badly affected play. The suspension this morning will obviously have an impact as the organiser try and shovel 156 players through the tee and finish before it gets dark.

Keeping an eye on the local weather will give you a clue as to how this will impact players. Obviously if conditions are horrific versus benign much later that’s not going to favour early starters. At golf

17/07/2015 | By | Reply More
Open Golf

Open Golf

Golf returns to the home of golf this week. I’m desperate to get to St’Andrews, but will have to wait till it comes back on rotation.

The British Open is different from other majors in that it is played on rotation schedule across a number of ‘links’ courses in the UK. Links courses are traditionally near the sea, are near or on dunes, have an uneven surface and a sandy soil. This is in stark contrast to a lot of

16/07/2015 | By | Reply More
Open Golf – The cut

Open Golf – The cut

If the contenders thought the first day was tough then day two was tougher. Only ten players out of 156 starters managed to get to the cut at par or better.

My favourite was Jimenez, it would be great if a Cigar smoking, wine swilling 49 year old won a top level sports event! I made something so far, but not a great deal. When Woods is at short odds and getting shorter it limits what you can get from …

19/07/2013 | By | Reply More
Open Golf – End of day one

Open Golf – End of day one

Day one went a bit better than I expected TBH. The weather was great but we had quite a few golfers complaining about the pin set up on greens that were described as ‘Glass’. This meant the course was as tough as ever, even without the weather playing a hand. The early starters seemed to get the rub of the green and the later starters were the most vocal complainers. It would seem sensible to use that knowledge today.

Surprise …

19/07/2013 | By | Reply More
Open Golf stats

Open Golf stats

Fair weather greets us for the Open this year, that’s unusual! But this may make the course a little less random this year.

Therefore, from a trading perspective, I’m less inclined to find a big priced winner this year. Links golf on a difficult course can be notoriously difficult, but when the weather is sweet and the wind calm, skill comes more to the forefront.

Winning a major requires a bit of luck however and also requires a very different

17/07/2013 | By | Reply More
The Open – Start of day two

The Open – Start of day two

Negative movers outnumbered positive movers by 82 to 30. Full list of positive and negative movers on the forum: –


Generally a lacklustre day from a trading perspective. I like some fireworks, but generally we have had some movers up, some down, but generally a firming at the front of the field. Which is exactly what I don’t like!

Most of this was caused by two key factors. The weather was better than forecast and the conditions for links …

20/07/2012 | By More
The Open Championship golf

The Open Championship golf

It took me a while to see the appeal of Golf as a betting sport. But over time I’ve learnt to enjoy getting stuck into the big Golf tournaments. This week we have the grand daddy of the lot, the Open Championship, being held this year at Royal Lytham and St Annes Golf club.

 The thing that really caught my eye was the large price of winners on a lot of tournaments, especially the highly competitive and tricky majors. The …

18/07/2012 | By More
Open Golf – McIlroy drift continues

Open Golf – McIlroy drift continues

Now the Open championship market is firming up, I’m interested to see the drift on McIlroy is still continuing. I had factored in a bit of a drift but it’s interesting to see how strong and maintainted it is. At the moment the market and likely conditions are perfectly set up for a good trading market.

While zipping around the net I found this good preview for the championship. A good overview and some food for thought: –



13/07/2011 | By More