Tag: scalping

Automation To Assist Your Manual Trading
Many users of Bet Angel will have full strategies or systems which they have fully automated by using a combination of the options and conditions available within Guardians Advanced Automation to trigger their bets into the market.
However, using advanced automation does not mean you must trigger bets with it every time, instead if you prefer trading manually and having full control over when you open, close and green up your positions then there’s no reason why you can still …

95% return on stake
I thought that headline may grab your attention that the screen shot!
Basically it’s an accurate description on what I did last night before the champions league matches started, only I tend to do it on a larger scale and that reduces percentage returns. For this example, which I am documenting in detail for my course, I did it using highly replicable £10 stakes. It would be easy to add a zero to this number. Harder to add two!
Before …

Does scalping still work?
I’m doing a course today at the office where, amongst many things, I will talk about scalping and answer this question. The answer is ‘Yes’ by the way.
Qualifying the ‘yes’
For every market, there is a strategy and every strategy a market. Your mission is to join the two up. If you deploy the wrong strategy in the wrong market then you will get bad results. So underlying this ‘Yes’ is some depth and qualification, it takes a bit …

Simple scalping
We uploaded this video recently and it has proved pretty popular so I thought I would put this on the blog. It’s just a simple guide to the thought process that goes into a simple scalp. On this video we get £40 gross with a couple of quick scalps on something priced at 6’s. Double click the video to enlarge. Enjoy…

Outrageous risk – Part Two
To recap. Last Thursday we backed the favourite at a fixed time of the day and let our losses run without re-dress. Basically it was dumb, reckless swing trading with complete abandon. By doing this we were opening ourselves to potential losses that could be massive. Only at post time did we bother to close our position. Other than that, we let risk run to its fullest extent.
My question to you, is did we: –
(a) Make a bunch …

When it’s scary to scalp!
When I started this blog my first ever post was about three club monte, you can see the original blog entry here. Since I started trading, nearly nine years ago, my view has always been that there is a strategy for every market. Recognise the right one and it’s a breeze, well much easier anyhow. Use the wrong one and it will make your life very hard indeed.
If you looked at yesterdays races before they started you could …
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