Tag: tennis

Major new release of Bet Angel
It’s Wimbledon and just in time, we are delighted to release another new version of Bet Angel. This version builds on recent releases to expand the scope, scale and capacity of the Tennis live scores feature.
Key changes
Alongside some minor updates, the major component of this release is the ability to trade Tennis automatically from within Bet Angel’s Advanced automation tool. Let me explain and show you how!
Download the latest version (Version 1.41)
First you need to download …

Tennis trading – Trading the Tiebreak
Many Thanks to Dan Weston who was the guest poster for this article, visit Dan’s excellent Tennis ratings site for lots of useful Tennis stats.
One area of trading which many Tennis traders seem unsure of, and some that I’ve spoken to even steer clear of completely, is tiebreak trading.
Tiebreaks are one of the most volatile parts of a Tennis match and due to this, it is possible for traders to have the ability to win and lose …

ATP In-Game Tennis Trading
Many Thanks to Dan Weston who was the guest poster for this article, visit Dan’s excellent Tennis ratings site for lots of useful Tennis stats.
Several weeks ago, we discussed point by point trading in the WTA, primarily looking at laying the player a break up and taking money out during a service game. As mentioned before, this allows more risk-averse traders to clear some or all liability at various in-game scorelines, and these were grouped into two brackets:-…

Laying the Set One Winner
It doesn’t need much explaining that in a best of three set Tennis match, players need to win two sets to win, and once they have won the first set, they are 50% of the way towards the number of sets they need to claim to win the match.
Due to this, a player’s price will be significantly shorter than starting price when they win the first set, which is a lay entry point that many traders like.
Personally I …

Tennis – Dominant Sets in ATP Masters Events
A popular form of trading is laying the player a break up – I’ve written a great deal about it before, and the positive aspects of this type of trade is that it’s easily quantifiable (using projected hold and break lead/deficit loss/recovery statistics) and that risk is much more limited than taking a position when the set is on serve.
The worst result for this type of trade is when the player you have opposed turns a single break lead …

The best and worst players from winning positions in the ATP
Further to last week’s article which looked at the application of a blanket strategy, and the usage of WTA stats to illustrate why this is a bad idea, I thought I’d move onto some more detailed applications of statistics in the ATP, which is something I’ve been looking at in great detail lately.
An objective way to categorise front runners has been my major focus, with a particular plan of trying to work out which players are lucrative to …

Tennis Trading – Why a blanket strategy is usually unsuccessful
Frequently I get asked whether a given blanket Tennis trading strategy is a good idea, and almost always my answer is ‘it depends’. This probably frustrates the person posing the question, but it’s a genuine answer – it really does depend on the given situation, and the two players participating in the match.
The simple (and obvious) reason why this is the case is because not all players are created equally. Some players are good at serving, others’ strengths lie …

Court Speed in Tennis Trading
Recently on Twitter, there has been detailed conversation about court speed, and the impact that it has in Tennis.
As a trader, let me make one point abundantly clear here – I don’t care why the conditions at a venue is fast or slow, just that it will be, and that it is possible to ascertain this information in advance. Advance knowledge of conditions will enable me to work out the likelihood of players holding serve, and a fast hard …

Spring is definitely here
European clay court Tennis, Racing at Newmarket and shock of all shocks, some decent weather in the UK. Spring is definitely here!
So we are now on the cusp of a lot of major sporting action. This year wont be quite as busy as last year but it’s something to look forward too.
The Monte Carlo Masters Tennis is a signal to start dusting down things for the French Open. The clay court season in past years has been interesting …

Bet Angel now includes live Tennis scores
We are delighted to announce Bet Angel professional version 1.39 has been released. This is a major upgrade from version 1.38. Key new features: –
- Live tennis scores via Betfair.com now exposed via Bet Angel
- Bet or Trade automatically based on underlying scores in a match
- Improvements to the search feature
- Improvements to Tennis trader
The new version of Bet Angel is available for immediate download. You can download and install from: –
If you are an existing Bet …

Analysis of Top 10 ATP Players
As we saw last week in the analysis of the top women players, there was a big discrepancy between the several – Serena Williams (in particular), Sharapova and Halep – and the rest. I also discussed that previous research in the ATP showed that matches featuring two elite players had slightly more breaks than the average ATP match.
I decided to do detailed analysis of the current men’s top ten players to see if the tendencies of the WTA repeated …

Analysis of Top WTA Players
Top ten versus top ten is a facet of Tennis that is quite under-researched, and I’ve mentioned previously that generally the ATP elite players in particular have slightly more breaks of serve against each other than the Tour average.
Something I’ve also alluded to is the fact that some players are – to use a cricket phrase – a ‘flat-track bully’. According to dictionary.com, an exact definition is ‘a sportsperson who dominates inferior opposition, but who cannot beat top-level opponents.’ …

Bleak Mid winter?
So here we are in the bleak mid-winter, but you perhaps may not know it but for one sport it always feels that way.
For racing, this is a time of year when things are a little quiet. It gets worse next month traditionally, but so far we haven’t lost that many meetings to the weather. So its an opportunity to analyse, prepare and research. Cheltenham is just around the corner so that’s always at the front of my mind.…

US Open Tennis – Trading short priced favourites
I was chatting with a few fellow traders on Skype during day three of the US Open this week and we commented that there seems to be a lot of surprise results in the WTA tournament, and in particular that both the ‘big name’ players appeared to be very short for starting prices in Grand Slams, and that they were losing the first set much more than they should be – allowing some profitable lay to back trades.
[Editor – …

Sweet spots
Every market has a sweet sport. Odds that will be reached more often than others, a score.
This also applies to trading. Depending on how you chose to enter and exit, there is a sweet spot in terms of when it’s best to trade in and out.
When I model a market I’m looking for sweet spots. Optimal places where it makes ‘sense’ to open, close to trade to in a market. At first you can’t do this going forward …

Tennis trading
In my journey to understand Tennis I had to work out how and why the market moved, so it was with that in mind that we created Tennis trader. It allowed us to probe the deepest detail of any Tennis match and set up strategies that would allow us to profit from that. Using Tennis trader you can get an idea of what is required for any strategy to pay off, what risk you are taking and when this will …

The trading dead zone
It doesn’t happen often, but now and again all things conspire to produce a dead zone in the markets. We are currently in that dead zone.
First off, this relates to the racing markets. Racing markets are seasonal and peak and trough around major meetings. The last was, obviously, Ascot. So you can get a trough before a major meeting, but you almost certainly get one after it.
Summer racing can be a bit weak as there are more meetings …

Inside the Shadowy World of Tennis Courtsiding
Interesting article on Court siding with contributions from Sporting Data, whose spotter was ejected from the Aussie open earlier this year, and also news of a book coming out about it! An interesting dialogue on the world of courtsiding.
You can read the full article on the fivethirtyfive web site.
Various quotes from various sources but in essence a summary of the courtsiding debate and some insight into what has been going on for quite a few years now.…

French open tennis – When it’s good to see red!
It’s great to see the start of the French open tennis and it’s one of those moments when the red clay surface will often mean green for traders.
Grand Slams often produce good matches and the slower surface at Roland Garros will bring shot making and athleticism to the fore.
Early rounds of grand slams often bring up very shot prices, but the odd shock. So I’m generally looking to oppose red hot favourites in the early rounds hoping for …

Tales of the unexpected
With the Australian open over we can reminisce on what happened. The most obvious thing was that the first grand slam of the year had two unexpected winners. I’m not expecting that to repeat through the season. Djokovic, Nadal and Murray are at the top of their careers at the moments and that has to be a theme through the year.
I’ve learnt to look at the Aussie Open for clues of break through players. I think we saw a …

Federer vs Nadal
Rafael Nadal and Roger Federer will continue their great rivalry tomorrow when they meet for the 11th time on a Grand Slam stage.
It should be an interesting match, but I thought the quarter between Murray and Federer would be as well, but that didn’t turn out to be so blockbusting. I’ve had a quiet Aussie open. Some decent results but less active than last year while I’ve been working on some key projects. The early mornings were too much …

Courtsider scandal at Australian open hits the headlines
Australian authorities took a big step to send courtsiders packing last night with a aggressive move to enforce gambling laws. Australian legislators take a dim view of in-play betting as they feel it will damage the integrity of sport and it’s banned in Australia. This moves indicates they are actively seeking out courtsiders during games.
News broke as follows: –
“Last night a 22 year old man was arrested and charged with offences under Victoria’s new crimes integrity in sports …

Simple Tennis Automation
With the Australian tennis open about to start, I thought I would look at automating some tennis markets and see what can be done.
The Australian Open is mens tournament a is played over five sets, there is no tie breaker in the final set either. Out of the grand slams, only the US Open has a tie breaker in the final set. Without a tie break matches can, in theory, go on indefinitely. Although the longest ever grand slam …

Australian Open Tennis is here
The start of the year is a great time to get some Tennis trading experience under your belt. If you want a quick browse of previous advice dispensed on Tennis, click here to search the blog for Tennis articles.
The Australian Open is the first grand slam tournament of the year and usually presents some good opportunities. In 2012 we were treated to a legendary final which I documented on the blog. The final turned over £46.2m in matched …

The market can be bizzare sometimes
We were treated to a spectacular turn of events last night at the US Open Tennis.
By a coincidence, I have been carefully studying the way the market behaves before the off at the US Open this year. More or less it’s flat as a pancake, but there are subtle bits of information contained in the pre-off pricing. I’ve been more interested in how this changes over the rounds.
In the latter stages of the tournament as the amount pre-off …

Why we have a Federer fail
Lots of press this morning about the ‘shock’ exit of Roger Federer in the US Open. But, as I have posted before, Federer is definitely in the twilight of his career. As a middle aged man, much as I hate to admit it, 32 is old in sporting terms. In Tennis, players turn pro at an average age of 18 and retire at 32, Federer is 32.
I love analysing all sorts of things to spot, and more importantly, anticipate …

Some US Open tennis detail
I meant to post this earlier in the week, but other matters have over taken me, but I hope this gives you a hint at some of the metrics and variation at this tournament.
The surface at the US Open has been Decoturf since 1978. This is faster and has a lower bounce than the other Hard court slam, the Australian open. Because of this, many serve-and-volley players have done well at the US Open.
I looked back over 13 …

My longest prediction yet
Phew, what a busy period that was and the appropriate climax to much action came on to a head at Wimbledon on Sunday. I’m taking a short break now before returning to the full fold later in the week.
I’m having some R&R, not rest and relaxation, but rest and research. I’m taking a break from the trading to go over things like Royal Ascot and Wimbledon. I’ve collected a massive amount of data over Wimbledon, so I need to …

The thin line between individual skill in Tennis
If you have been active on Wimbledon these past two weeks you would have seen some great matches. But you should have also seen something else, maybe without realising it.
Often you see an outsider really battle away at a heavy odds on favourite, maybe even winning the first set, but despite this their odds don’t seem to come in that much. If you look at Murray’s match against Janowicz, Janowicz was at one set all and leading 4-1. His …
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