Tag: webinar

‘Webbinar’ thanks
Many thanks for the huge turnout at last nights Webinar. It’s been a while since we last did one so we were expecting to be busy, but I hadn’t anticipated just how busy it would be!
So a big thank you for your attendance andĀ for the huge numbers of questions submitted. I’m sorry we couldn’t answer them all and I’m also sorry we couldn’t directly answer queries specifically on the software during the session.
In conclusion, I think we …

Time for a chit chat
It’s been a while since I did my last webinar so I’ve decided to dust off the webinar service and give it another go.If it goes without a hitch I will do some more. Now the evening racing is gone, that will also free my time up a bit more. I plan to hold the webinar on Monday evening 8pm UK time.
There is no specific topic planned, but I am sure there will be lots of questions. The format …

Webinar this evening
I am running a webinar this evening, to register use the following link: –
We aim to start around 17:30 but I may be a little late as I didn’t read the racing card correctly when I scheduled the webinar. Sorry for that!
Connect with us on the following social media platforms.