Tag: winter

Welcome to Winter
First the good news, we are only eight weeks from Cheltenham!
I’ve always held the opinion that the start of the year is badly timed. The new year is seen as a time for optimism and for a fresh start. Unfortunately, the new year is plonked right in the middle of winter.
If you are trying to trade sports, especially Horse Racing, that’s probably not the best time to start, or is, depending on your outlook. Let’s look at …

The low point
So here we are in mid February, in the depths of winter.
Australian Open tennis has just finished, Cheltenham isn’t too far away but for now the immediate outlook is a little weak for me. We have the champions league, but that’s only two matches on a Tuesday and Wednesday. Europa league looks a bit more interesting, though less volume. There is World cup cricket, but in a different time zone. So there are opportunities around but in general things …

Bleak Mid winter?
So here we are in the bleak mid-winter, but you perhaps may not know it but for one sport it always feels that way.
For racing, this is a time of year when things are a little quiet. It gets worse next month traditionally, but so far we haven’t lost that many meetings to the weather. So its an opportunity to analyse, prepare and research. Cheltenham is just around the corner so that’s always at the front of my mind.…

Summer has almost gone
Seeing Wolverhampton on the card again made me realise another summer has almost passed into the spreadsheet of history.
One of the realities of sports trading is that summer is peak season across a number of sports for me, so it’s a valuable time to get into top gear. I mourn it’s passing. But my attention will now turn to Tennis for the US Open and back to Football for the winter months. Racing, of course, is an all year …

The depths of winter
So here we are at the start of February, in the depths of winter.
Australian Open tennis has just finished, Cheltenham isn’t too far away but for now the immediate outlook is a little weak for me.
It can be pretty tough, especially on the racing front, at this time of year. So it’s only with experience that you learn not to worry, it’s just part of the annual cycle. In the summer opportunities come thick and fast and you …

Not bad for a winter Tuesday
First snow of the winter arrived here this morning and I had to dodge in and out of various potential mishaps on school run this morning.
Trading winter racing markets
Winter in the racing markets can be a bit bleak. A chunk of the races can be fairly poor affairs and that’s if the racing goes ahead at all! My overall potential drops quite significantly at this time of year on the racing, I typically see a decline in the …

Craving more Craven
Stuck in a pretty good performance on the first day of the Craven meeting and was pretty pleased all round with overall performance. Some of the testing I’ve been doing on new ideas came good as well, so I’m really chuffed. The champions league didn’t really through off a quality opportunity last night, but apart from some stuff before the off I didn’t really get that involved. Second legs should be interesting.
I prefer to know whether I’m in a …

Opportunity through adversity
OK, so it looks like there will be no ‘real’ racing in the UK for a while. But rather than bemoan your fortune use the opportunity to experiment, examine and look for new ideas or opportunities.
Quite a few years ago I got into the mode of taking time off in February. I learnt that it was the lowest yielding month of the year and part or all of it could easily be skipped without too much impact. So I …

Big week ahead
You may read this headline and wonder what on earth I am on about as there isn’t anything amazing happening this week. OK a few high profile things like the Champions League football, but generally just bits and bobs as we descend headlong into the winter.
This time last year however, we were well in the grip of an incredibly cold spell and it pretty much wiped out all the sports action. So this year we are assured of a …

Something from nothing
Hey, it’s been tough lately but that’s no reason to give up completely. Yes, you can be relaxed if you have worked hard during the peak season, but there is still opportunity out there; even if somewhat reduced.
Despite running around to do the last few elements of organisation ahead of Christmas I sat down behind my screen for the odd moment yesterday to keep my hand in on the racing. Not a great total but I know a lot …

You could claim to be speechless about the prospects of racing this week. It looks like only the ‘all weather’ racing will survive, with all the other courses likely to struggle. But this title refers to my inability to speak well this week thanks to flu. Time for a break!
[Edit : Got a text from my local school saying there were 72 children off with the same thing, I hope you don’t get it]
Back to the weather, it’s …

An ill wind….
Tis an Ill win that blows no good, so they say. With an ill wind blowing down from the artic it looks like racing is going to suffer badly over the next week. Saturday is pretty much a wipe out by the look of it.
So….. Hopefully you can now see the context of this blog entry back in the summer.
I know it seemed odd to some that you would put trading first in these situations. But that week …

Trick or treat?
Last night the clocks went back and today we have racing that starts at midday(ish) and finishes at four. This signals the slide into a quieter period for racing.
There is still plenty of other sport to do and some decent feature races coming up, but some of the other stuff is less appealing. We also have the weather potentially posing a threat. So it’s time to hunker down and reset expectations and styles, to adapt to the winter.
If …

Downhill all the way
I’ve been having some fun trying to get my head around the winter Olympics when I can. I’ve picked on the the sports where a milliseconds lapse in concentration can hand the medal to somebody else. Basically just laying the current leader or red hot favourite in the hope that they make a mistake or somebody gets over the line a tenth of a second faster. I must admit I can’t quite get it right at the moment, but that …

Six more weeks of winter?
As legend would have it today is Groundhog day when a small(ish) furry animal predicts to residents if they are in for six more weeks of winter. While this is a north American tradition it seems to have its roots in Europe. Given the poor start to the year lets hope the various ceremonies around the world don’t see a shadow or if they do it’s a region forecast that won’t affect the UK.

Bleak mid-winter
Cold weather, snow and ice isn’t ideal for any outdoor sports and in particular horse racing. Winter is generally a difficult time of the year but it seems that this winter is particulary cold.
The Met Office recently issued data that indicated December was the coldest in 15 years and the popular press is talking up the prospect of a very cold winter indeed. It’s difficult to be certain if it will be as bad as the forecasts, but hysteria …
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